Mon-Yu: Defeat Monsters And Gain Strong Weapons And Armor. You May Be Defeated, But Don’t Give Up. Become Stronger. I Believe There Will Be A Day When The Heroes Defeat The Devil King.
My heroes... You have obtained all the trophies! I shall compose an epic of your deeds. It shall be passed down through generations until the end of time.
Heroes, you defeated the nasty Devil King Loki! Heroes, you defeated the dastardly Devil King Loki! Heroes, you defeated the clever Devil King Loki! That was exhausting, wasn't it? You returned Gungnir to the Queen.
Heroes! It seems like you've collected a great deal of rarities on your adventure! You established yourself as a collector of B-rarity weapons and armor.
Brave heroes! It seems like you've collected a great deal of precious items on your adventure! You established yourself as a collector of A-rarity weapons and armor.
You have done it brave heroes! It seems like you've collected a great trove of wonderful treasure on your adventure! You established yourself as a collector of S-rarity weapons and armor.