Sweep 500 tiles.
(Your extraordinary talent to use the directional buttons and press a Cross button will not go unrecognized.... Okay, it might, but if it does, simply redirect those unappreciative of your talents to this shiny trophy and challenge them to see if they can get it as well, eh? Ehh? Pretty please?)
Complete a level without using your freebies.
(Based on our playtest statistics, I'm willing to bet you didn't even realize this was a feature. This is likely because you, like our playtesters, opted to skip the tutorial and completely ignore our reference guide. Well, now you know.)
Use your freebie to sweep the last tile.
(Wait a minute, did you just sweep a bunch of tiles in one turn? That's against the rules!
Sorry, old meme. I'm old.)
Complete the tutorial (otherwise called Level 0).
(Now you're ready to start mining my mind! Have fun out there! Err, in there? I dunno, I didn't spend too much time on the plot or premise. Do I have mines stuck in my head or something? We some kinda... Mine My Mind Squad?)
Complete all fifty levels without making a mistake.
(You're a champion among champions among miners of mind miners among mind miners mining my mind... Have I lost my mind? Probably: see the snake boat.
It's a shame your prince is in another castle.)
Complete all fifty levels under an hour.
(Just to be clear, this is NOT cumulative. You have to beat each individual level under an hour each. If you can beat all fifty levels under an hour, that would be mighty impressive as well. Send screenshots or it didn't happen.)
Complete level 2.
(A sweet, sugary treat or a meaty blob keeping flesh creatures alive. Or both. Harvest the meat, season it in sweet, sugary barbeque sauce, and enjoy!)
Complete level 3.
(Perfect for a rainy day. If it's yellow, also perfect for subtly nudging towards a character reveal seasons ahead of when or how you'll actually meet her.)
Complete level 4.
(There's no better feeling than holding a nice, warm mug of coffee to keep yourself warm on a cold, rainy day.
Other days/all-nighters... Skip the mug, just pour the coffee into an IV drip and hook me up!.)
Complete level 5.
(Made from authentic bone substitute! Completely vegetarian and vegan friendly! No pirates or wherever bones come from were harmed in preparing these crossbones.)
Complete level 8.
(Keeps your piggies warm. Unless they're open-toed: then your piggies will freeze, never knowing what the warm embrace of love would feel like.)
Complete level 14.
(Though often believed to be controlled by the meat sack stemming out of its rear cuff, the parasitic sock puppet is in actuality masterminding all of its own movements and those of its host. By taking advantage of this common misconception, the sock puppet slowly perpetrates the remnants of human society, with passerbys completely oblivious to its nefarious plot to summon the endless void from the depths of darkness to consume our mortal shells.)
Complete level 16.
(Bright and festive and gleaming with golly, just in time for the holidays! Wait, what do you mean it's only July? Nahh, that's not too early!)
Complete level 21.
(Thanks, 2020.
Developer's note: I wrote this back in July (see Fence Lights). I had no idea how much worse things were going to get since writing up this joke, and to future-proof this trophy for the immediate future:
Thanks, 2021.)
Complete level 27.
(Uhhh, this sherlock does not have any feelings or emotional attachments yet. Please don't sue me. And look, it has a hat! The sherlock of your books never wore a hat!)
Complete level 31.
(Set one of these up in front of your telly and console, and any sitdown hobby can become healthy and productive! If anybody ever shames you for your easy plats, just say you were exercising!)
Complete level 40.
(Only in 2020 did I learn "don't be a turkey" is a saying. I mean, what's wrong with being a turkey? Nice and plump and delicious, filled with moist, meaty juices, ready for consumption.... There's an entire day dedicated to eating you!)
Complete level 41.
(Legends say to this day, Pete the Snake is still trapped in his boat, endlessly dodging arrows for the amusement of trophy hunters. He watches helplessly as a score counter slowly ticks upwards, as if it were a measure of his existential dread, and just when he thinks he might be rescued, his would-be saviors always abandon him after five minutes, often in favor of returning back to the comfort of bustling roads and jars of mayo.)
Complete level 45.
(Your friendly, room-ihood spider probably thought of you as its roommate for its entire life. It's been taking care of you, munching up the occasional mosquito and keeping various bugs away. Bugs outnumber humans 200 million-to-one, so we need spiders as our allies for when the great, insect uprising comes [~...calling all spider ri...~]. But then you had to go ahead and smack it, didn't you? Imagine the betrayal it felt when it got evicted from life. How could you, you monster?!)
Complete level 46.
(Otherwise known as a regular day with the only other difference being soothing sounds are coming from that weird place beyond the walls. I think they call it... out... doors?)
Complete level 47.
(Yes, that's a word. Trust me, wars have been fought between wayfarers over what to call one of these when nominating a stop / portal... I'm just gonna call it a gazebo.)
Use Sweep All to instantly clear a level without making a mistake.
(If you're one of those people who can instantly see the solution in your mind's eye and/or an online guide, this is the new mechanic for you! It's not like I wanted you to play my game for real or anything... baka...)
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